Children learn. That’s just the way God designed them. What children are guided to learn is what impacts them for a lifetime. As parents, this is just what God designed for us.
With Waterbrooks Institute’s utilization of Accelerated Christian Education materials, you can guide your child to learn solid academics and character traits from a Biblical foundation with confidence.
We use a solid, back-to-basics curriculum from K-12. The Biblical, individualized, self-instructional, mastery-based curriculum places the child at his exact academic ability level in each subject through diagnostic testing. Core subjects include Mathematics, English, Word Building, Literature & Creative Writing, Science, Social Studies (History, Geography and Civics), Bible Reading. Electives are available for High School students.
High School has choice of programs; Vocational, General, College Prep, or Honors.

Individualized Learning
We stress the God-given uniqueness of each individual child and their abilities. By focusing on each child’s academic performance, learning is the constant and time is the variable. Every child is able to learn at his own rate, and able to master the material before proceeding. Grading is based on the individual child’s academic achievement and is not evaluated by comparison with anyone else’s work.

Character Building
More important than academic success is Godly character training that prepares children to meet the challenges and opportunities in today’s world. Biblical values and principles are unashamedly incorporated throughout Accelerated Christian Education’s curriculum. This is a primary reason Waterbrooks Institute uses this curriculum, exclusively.

Parent Support
Homeschool Parents are the future Heroes of America. Waterbrooks Institute is unique in that we deliver the highest quality education to the most children by working with Parents. Waterbrooks Institute works with parents who want a better education for their children to Homeschool with confidence through Training, Coaching, Curriculum and Administration Assistance. One of our core values is to make Homeschool “Do-able” for you. From the initial Home Educator’s Training, to community building, to availability for personal consultation, Waterbrooks is designed to help Parents actually Homeschool with confidence.
Administrative Assistance
Beginning with maintaining records of Attendance, Course Content, Grades, Report Cards, and Transcripts; Waterbrooks Institute works to help Parents meet the requirements for Homeschooling in various States. Homeschool Parents are responsible for compliance with State regulations, Waterbrooks Institute is here to assist.

Admittedly, “Affordable” looks different in various households. Therefore, Waterbrooks Institute has a unique fee structure.
A one-time Enrollment Fee for each new student provides for Registration and Diagnostic Testing for accurate prescription of educational Materials.
There is not an annual Enrollment Fee for continuing students.
Since Waterbrooks Institute works with Parents, the Tuition is a flat rate that includes all enrolled students in the home. The Tuition is billed each Quarter.
The educational Materials for each student are ordered and billed each Quarter.
This makes it a simple and affordable way for each Student/Family to receive the full benefits of partnering with Waterbrooks Institute. We are here to help answer any questions you may have for each unique family.

Waterbrooks Institute works with parents who want a better education for their children to Homeschool with confidence through Training, Coaching, Curriculum and Administration Assistance.
Tuition and Costs
A family with two children can provide an excellent education at home for less that $52.00 per week.
Enrollment Fee: $100/child
Quarterly Tuition: $215/family
Materials: $125 (estimate per child, per quarter)